13 Massive Movie Predictions For The Rest Of 2018
10. Venom Will Destroy Solo: A Star Wars Story At The Box Office
At present, Solo: A Star Wars Story has just barely managed to stumble north of $350 million at the worldwide box office, falling far short of even the most pessimistic expectations.
That's going to set the stage for a number of movies to unexpectedly leapfrog it, and perhaps none would be more shocking than the Tom Hardy-starring Venom movie.
Though the marketing for the film doesn't look at all good, it's enjoyed strong social media engagement regardless, with the teaser trailer being viewed more times than any Spider-Man trailer in history.
Though clicks don't ever translate wholesale to box office success, it is an interesting indication regardless, that the sensibly-budgeted supervillain origin story could gross $400-500 million when it's all said and done. What an embarrassment for Lucasfilm.