13 More Major Retcons In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

10. Loki Was Never All That Evil

Avengers Loki
Marvel Studios

Jk Rowling gets a lot of heat for tinkering with the Harry Potter lore years after she finished writing it, and sometimes she earns it. Like when she ignored the excellent fan theory that the Dursleys hated Harry because he was a Horcrux and they tend to poison people and simply said it was because James Potter and Vernon had clashed.

But luckily for Potter fans who also like the MCU, Marvel basically just stole that sort of logic to explain that actually, Loki wasn't quite as evil as he seemed in The Avengers. They needed to, after all, because the end of Loki's arc saw him standing up to Thanos and heroically sacrificing himself in somewhat uncharacteristic fashion.

This was, after all, the guy who let Frost Giants into Asgard, who tried to take over the Earth and who seemingly would have killed Thor given the opportunity. But actually, he's a good guy.

This retcon comes courtesy of a new official profile for Loki from Marvel that appeared in 2019, which established that Loki's actions were the result of Thanos influencing him using the Mind Stone. Almost as if it's easier for Marvel to say he's an anti-hero just in time for him appearing in his own Disney+ show.


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