13 Most Controversial Movie Moments Of 2017

4. Superman's Digital Upper Lip - Justice League

Clark Kent Justice League
Warner Bros.

The Moment: Due to Henry Cavill having to perform Justice League's re-shoots in the middle of filming for Mission: Impossible 6, Cavill had to shoot his new Superman scenes with a big, bushy moustache, which was then digitally (and badly) airbrushed out in post-production.

Why It's Controversial: Because it's so damn distracting, and is prevalent in a shockingly high number of Superman's scenes in the film, demonstrating just how heavily re-shoots comprised the final result.

Granted, Warner Bros. was backed into a corner by Paramount refusing to allow Cavill to just shave his 'tache, but the studio clearly should've delayed Justice League and just had Cavill do the re-shoots when he was done with M:I6.

Instead, Superman's uncanny valley face is deeply offputting and weird at best, and a laughable embarrassment at worst.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.