13 Most Pretentious Movies Of All Time

2. Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

Tree Of Life
Warner Bros.

Extremely bad and incredibly manipulative more like.

This movie is the very definition of Oscar Bait. Adapted from a novel by a lauded author? Check. Star studded cast? Check. Dealing with possibly the most devastating human catastrophe of the 21st century that should really be dealt with in as sensitive and empathetic way as is humanly possible? Check. Ignoring that last bit and instead using said disaster to emotionally manipulate your audience, meanwhile gaining kudos from critics and award nominations.

You bet your sweet bippy that's another check.

The story behind the September 11th attacks deserves to be told, but not in such dressed up, polished way. Every line of dialogue in Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is saccharine sweet and sounds entirely alien coming from each actors mouth. There's nothing nearly as profound or impactful in this movie as it seems to think there is. This was a vile act of emotional blackmail, nothing more.

Luckily critics and most audience members didn't fall for it.


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.