13 Most Pretentious Movies Of All Time

1. Silver Linings Playbook

Tree Of Life
Fox Searchlight

Silver Linings Playbook was released to critical acclaim from both critics and the general public. It was praised as being an incredibly accurate and sensitive portrayal of mental illness. The film clearly believed this too. It clearly thought it was incredibly sensitive and was providing such a necessary and helpful message.

In no uncertain terms: this movie is a pile of pretentious, manipulative and damaging.

Here are some facts about bipolar disorder. Those with it will not throw things through closed windows because a book doesn't end the way they want it to. They also won't randomly accost people and assault them so grievously that they'll hospitalise them. Also, there is no cure for bipolar disorder, however the best way to help it is with medication and therapy.

Contrary to this film's assumption: falling in love with another psychologically damaged individual will not help you, and it is not a replacement for proper treatment.

But then, who needs lithium when you can dance, right?!


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.