13 Most Pretentious Movies Of All Time

9. The Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life
Fox Searchlight

This is probably one of the archetypal pretentious movies. Upon release, the late Roger Ebert claimed that Tree of Life rivalled 2001: A Space Odyssey in terms of ambition and sheer scope. No offence to the great man, but that take is a hot pile of garbage.

The fact that anyone thinks they can somehow document the creation of all existence in the first place is pretty arrogant, but to make it entertaining is a herculean feat. Luckily, The Tree of Life doesn't care about being entertaining: it just cares about being, vague, confusing and... poetic? Maybe?

The worst thing about The Tree of Life is the same problem that a lot of the movies on this list share. That is that it's just so goddamn sure of itself and so utterly convinced of how smart it is. Whilst watching it you can practically smell, taste and feel the sense of smug self-satisfaction on the screen, as well as having to see and hear it in the first place.


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.