13 Most Pretentious Movies Of All Time

8. Only God Forgives

Tree Of Life
Bold Films

Now, to be fair, Nicholas Winding Refn's films have never been anything other than style over substance. He specialises in making exceptionally pretty films with pretty much zero plot or message to be found. Hell, there's hardly a shred of dialogue most of the time. In fact, we'd be interested to see a copy of one of his scripts. What's the bet they're each twelve pages long?

However, at least Drive was pretty coherent, structurally speaking. Only God Forgives is a confusing mess of a movie. Extended dream sequences, bizarre scenes where Ryan Gosling... puts his hands in his mum and very long karaoke sessions all dunked in neon do not a good movie make.

Refn desperately needs to learn the lesson that just because something is neon and completely incoherent it doesn't give it artistic merit or make it entertaining. A lesson he would thankfully learn for his next outing The Neon Demon. nah, we're kidding, he learned absolutely nothing.

Fingers crossed God forgives, Nicholas. Because no on earth is forgiving you for this horrific piece of crap.


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.