13 Most Pretentious Movies Of All Time

6. Lost In Translation

Tree Of Life
Momentum Pictures

Okay, we might lose a few of you with this one, and that's okay, but hear us out. Lost in Translation isn't a good movie. We all thought it was at some point, but, seriously guys, this sucks so much.

Now, admittedly, Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson give phenomenal performances with the horrible material that they're provided, but otherwise this is an absolute dumpster fire.

Here's the main problem with this film: there's precisely nothing wrong with making a piece of art about loneliness, ennui, feeling lost in the world, etc. Hundreds of films, novels and TV shows have explored these themes before. So why does Lost in Translation seem to think it's the only film to have ever explored these themes?

Beyond that, this movie is boring. Just so boring. Again, it's fine for a film to be quiet and reserved, but something has to be said via other means besides dialogue. Instead, Lost in Translation seems content with saying absolutely nothing.

But, of course, you'll always get cornered by Casper at a party who wants to debate the significance of what Bill said to Scarlett at the end. Spoiler: it really doesn't goddamn matter.


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.