13 Most Ridiculous DCEU Controversies (So Far)

6. Batman V Superman Releases Early To Avoid Captain America: Civil War

Batman V Superman
Warner Bros.

Batman v Superman was originally supposed to hit cinemas on July 17, 2015, before being moved to May 6, 2016, the very same date as Marvel's Captain America: Civil War.

However, the film ended up being moved forward by roughly six weeks, putting to rest a long-standing discussion among DC and Marvel fans about which of the two movies would "blink" and move their date.

Naturally, BvS being pushed forward caused many to mock Warner Bros. and DC in general for "chickening out" of a direct face-off with Marvel, while some DC fans hoped it would give the movie a leg-up on Civil War.

Let's be honest, though: releasing the same day would've harmed both movies immeasurably, so the less-established franchise "taking the L" and moving was the only smart call here.

That anyone would see the movie releasing earlier than planned as a point scored for either Marvel or DC is totally dumb.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.