13 Most Ridiculous DCEU Controversies (So Far)

7. Jared Leto's Creepy On-Set Behaviour

Joker Portrait EW Jared Leto
Entertainment Weekly

Much was made of Jared Leto's unsettling on-set behaviour while filming Suicide Squad, from reportedly sending used condoms, anal beads, porno magazines and live and dead animals to cast members, to never breaking character during shooting.

Leto's acts whipped up a huge PR storm online, with many fans speculating that Leto had gone "all in" on the Clown Prince of Crime, and it wasn't long before some drew unfortunate and ill-advised comparisons to Heath Ledger's work getting into character for The Dark Knight.

In the end, though, the headlines were largely for naught, as Leto appeared in the movie for only around 8 minutes, and post-release many felt that they barely even had time to register an opinion on his portrayal.

With recent rumours indicating that Leto could be done with The Joker role, was all this fuss really worth 8 mediocre minutes of screen time?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.