13 Movie Endings That Totally Trolled Audiences

7. Brad Accidentally Incubates The Virus - Right At Your Door

Right At Your DoorThe Ending: After a number of dirty bombs are detonated above Los Angeles, Brad (Rory Cochrane) does as he's told and seals up his home. However, after his wife Lexi (Mary McCormack) angrily breaks a window and Brad seals it back up, this only acts as an incubator for a small amount of toxic ash which got inside the house as a result of the breakage. A lethal virus has bred inside the house, Brad is a carrier, and so the army pump toxic gas into the house to kill him, while Lexi is ironically taken away for treatment. How It Trolled Audiences: The marketing campaign for Right at Your Door hinged heavily on challenging audiences to guess its "shocking" ending, and to their credit, it's certainly unexpected. Audiences were likely expecting some sort of apocalypse in which Brad was one of the few survivors, but instead, the tables are turned at the last minute, with the efforts Brad made to protect himself turning out to cause his death. Oh, sweet irony.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.