13 Movie Endings That Totally Trolled Audiences

8. July 4, 1921 - The Shining

The ShiningThe Ending: After getting lost in the hedge maze while attempting to murder his wife and son, psychopathic Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) freezes to death. However, the movie ends on one final image, a photo of Jack at the Overlook Hotel, smiling amid a crowd at a party. The date? July 4th, 1921. How It Trolled Audiences: The movie could have ended with Jack's death and it wouldn't have been any less awesome. However, Stanley Kubrick couldn't resist leaving one last provocation in the final shot, one which only adds to the film's overt eeriness, and has had audiences debating its meaning ever since. How can Jack exist an entire 60 years before the movie takes place, appearing to not have aged a day during that period? Though there are a number of clues throughout the film (namely when Jack's told that he's "always been the caretaker"), there's nothing concrete, and as such, it's really just Kubrick giving us a cheeky middle finger right at the finish line, just when we think we know what's going on.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.