13 Movie Scenes Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

2. That's Not A Balloon, It's A Used Condom - The Mask

The Mask
New Line Cinema

What Kids See: The Mask (Jim Carrey) is accosted by a gang of thugs but "disarms" them by transforming into a carnival-style balloon animal artist. After handing a giraffe to one of the punks, he pulls a wet, soggy balloon out of his pocket before declaring, "Sorry, wrong pocket", as the female punk laughs heartily in the background.

The Reality: It can't quite be understated how shocking this discovery is. Despite The Mask being PG-13 and sitting on the edge of propriety for children given Cameron Diaz's ridiculous sexiness and the film dark, noir-esque tone, who expected a used condom to end up in the mix?

After the dubiousness of the phallic balloon giraffe which makes the female punk shout "Wow!" in amazement, for The Mask to then pull out a condom, used no less, seems so nearly a step too far for a movie clearly marketing itself to kids. Still, it's so hilariously shocking that, as a grown-up, it's hard to be totally mad, and kids will never get the reference anyway.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.