13 Movie Scenes Everyone Misunderstood As Kids

9. Dennis' Parents Aren't "Wrestling", They're Having Sex - Dennis The Menace

What Kids See: When Dennis is talking to Mrs. Wilson, he tells her, "My dad's so happy, he whistles when he goes to the bathroom. The only time he isn't happy is on Sunday morning when he and my mom wrestle. They kind of like to be alone when they do that. I think it's 'cause they take off their shirts and then they start to make funny noises."

As a child, this one's taken as surface-deep. The parents are big kids and like to wrestle. Nothing more to it, right?

The Reality: Well, watching this one as an adult sure served up a surprise. It's clear as day that Dennis has had an uncomfortable glimpse into the sex lives of his parents, and they should probably invest in both some locks on their doors and decent sound-proofing (or a couple of ball gags at the very least).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.