13 Movie Tag-Lines That Blatantly Lied To You

8. Now You See Me

Revenge Of The Sith Tagline
Summit Entertainment

Tag-line: "4 Amazing Magicians. 3 Impossible Heists. 1 Billion Dollars. This Is No Illusion."

It's hard to take issue with the first three sentences of Now You See Me's wordy tag-line. But the last sentence is a little more problematic.

Yes, there are four magicians who undertake a series of heists. But illusion is the heart of the film. If there were no illusions, then their magic would be real, making Now You See Me a very unlikely Harry Potter spin-off.

That said, Woody Harrelson as Voldemort would be quite a sight to behold. Michael Caine as Dumbledore? Interesting. Jesse Eisenberg as Harry? Definitely not. Also, Daniel Radcliffe's appearance in the movie's sequel would prove especially problematic.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.