13 Movie Tag-Lines That Blatantly Lied To You

7. Gravity

Revenge Of The Sith Tagline
Warner Bros. Pictures

Tag-line: “Don't Let Go.”

Gravity may have won seven Oscars, but that doesn't excuse its tag-line.

For those who haven't seen it, the entire plot is driven by the protagonist's will to survive after losing her colleague and friend early on.

When the tragedy begins to unfold, you would be excused for thinking that “don't let go” might have been a reference to Stone's attempt to save Kowalski from drifting away into space and his death, but it is not. Watching George Clooney die is hard enough, but after being given false hope by the tag-line, it stung all the more.

For shame, Gravity.

For shame.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.