13 Movies Already Cancelled In 2019 (And Why)

11. Alien: Covenant's Sequel

Michael Fassbender Alien Covenant

What We Knew

Even though it was claimed that Covenant's sequel was cancelled back in 2017, 2018 saw renewed talk of the sequel - then titled Awakening - with rumours of a completed script and denouncement of the cancellation report. Indeed, Scott Wampler of Birth. Movies. Death. confirmed that things were still happening in Ridley Scott's prequel series.

The belief was that the 40th anniversary of the first Alien in 2019 would mean we'd see concrete confirmation of the film - especially when social media accounts linked to the franchise teased that the universe would be expanding this year. How could that not be the perfect opportunity to unveil new movie projects and tease more of Awakening?

Why It Was Cancelled & The Future

But as fans speculated on some Awakening announcements, Fox clarified to Variety that there is no new Alien movie being worked on right now.

In terms of the future, you'd think that the Alien franchise - which is still capable of captivating audiences - would be one of the blue-chip reasons Disney bought Fox, so we can undoubtedly expect more. But expecting it too soon would be a mistake: Disney will want the right creative team involved and they want to ensure that it doesn't just look like they're rushing things out to take advantage of the pull of the brand, cynically.

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