13 Movies Already Cancelled In 2019 (And Why)

10. Gambit

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What We Knew

Gambit seems like it's been in various stages of development for decades now (and it actually has, since Fox wanted to release a Gambit movie in the wake of X-Men Origins: Wolverine initially), but the one constant for most of those years has been Channing Tatum's enthusiasm and commitment to the project.

He's been attached to the project through three directors - Rupert Wyatt, Doug Liman and Gore Verbinski - and him sticking by it was always cause for confidence that it would eventually get off the ground. Simon Kinberg always talked a good game as well, and most recently, we were told (by Kinberg) that it was likely to be a comedic love story filmed in New Orleans, but it now probably won't be an anything story.

Why It Was Cancelled & The Future

Gambit was another of the Fox Marvel movies that has now been cancelled thanks to Disney's acquisition. It was always the most precarious of those movies even without a merger, to be honest, but now it's done.

In the future, you'd have to suspect that Disney would seek to put Gambit back in the main X-Men movies, at least in part to set them apart from the ones that came before.

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