13 Movies From 2015 Already Guaranteed Oscars

13. Inside Out

Nominations: Best Animated Feature is dead certain, while likely bets are also Best Original Screenplay, Best Sound Mixing (both Up and Toy Story 3 were previously nominated here) and Best Original Score (Michael Giacchino won his single Oscar to date for Up). Five nonimations. Likely but not certain is also Best Picture, bringing the film into the elite group of animated films nominated for the big one (the others being Beauty and the Beast, Up and Toy Story 3). Best Director is a huge outside possibility, but don't count on it. What It Could Win: The Sound and Screenplay awards are historically awarded to live-action films, but don't count them out 100%. Score is certainly one it's more likely to take home though. What It Will Win: It'll win Best Animated Feature without any fight whatsoever, and though that only counts as one win, the probable Best Picture nomination will very much be a victory in of itself. 1 win.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.