13 Movies From 2015 Already Guaranteed Oscars

12. Mad Max: Fury Road

Nominations: Fury Road is, so far, the year's most technically lavish blockbuster, so it's going to scoop up a ton of crafts nods if there's any justice in the world. Expect nominations for Cinematography, Costume Design, Film Editing, Makeup & Hairstyling, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing, while Best Production Design is also a decent bet, though Best Visual Effects could go either way, as the general subtlety of the CGI may work against it. Best Original Score is a more outside possibility as the Academy doesn't typically go for synth-based arrangements, while Best Director would be incredible (if unlikely) given George Miller's legendary status and the general industry love for the film. Charlize Theron will likely be campaigned as Best Supporting Actress to prevent genre bias, but much like the possibility of Fury Road scoring a Best Picture nomination, it's extremely unlikely. The year's best blockbuster (so far) should still end up with no less than 7 nominations. What It Could Win: Cinematography is possible, though may get beaten out by either The Revenant or Sicario (Roger Deakins, yeah!), while Costume and Makeup & Hairstyling are potential victories, but will be heavily contested by period fare in particular. What It Will Win: The Academy will struggle to ignore the film's sound package in particular. Be pessimistic and expect 2 wins (Sound Editing and Sound Mixing), because sound is where the blockbuster tends to triumph best. Then everyone can spend months after the ceremony complaining how the film was "robbed".

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.