13 Movies Saved By Ridiculously Last Minute Changes

3. Edward Norton Takes Control Of The Final Cut - American History X

American History X
New Line Cinema

The Edward Norton-starring race drama struggled through a tempestuous post-production period, in which director Tony Kaye butted heads with New Line Cinema regarding the final cut of the film, to the point that Kaye ultimately requested, in vain, that his credit for the final cut be replaced with "Humpty Dumpty".

Kaye originally wanted the film to end with Norton's protagonist Derek returning to his Neo-Nazi ways after his brother's murder at the hands of a black student, with the final shot showing Derek once again shaving his head.

However, the famously hands-on Norton was allowed to take a pass at the movie himself, and New Line Cinema preferred his cut to either of Kaye's attempts, resulting in it being the final theatrical release.

Considering that Kaye's original ending completely betrays the deeper meaning of the film in favour of a cartoonish, laughably unsubtle plot twist, New Line definitely made the right call here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.