13 Movies Saved By Ridiculously Last Minute Changes

2. Joss Whedon To The Rescue - Justice League

Joss Whedon Justice League
Warner Bros.

What a wild ride the production of Justice League has been. Zack Snyder first began shooting the superhero epic back in April of last year, and test screenings reportedly made it abundantly clear that the movie needed to be significantly tinkered with in post-production.

Snyder hired Joss Whedon to help script some light, witty dialogue to give overly serious scenes a little more pep, but with the tragic death of Snyder's daughter earlier this year, the director ended up leaving the project. Whedon ended up taking over final reshoots and post-production duties.

With early reports suggesting that Whedon's work on the film has significantly boosted the test screenings scores to be closer to the level of Wonder Woman, it seems that, regardless of what the nerds think, Whedon has managed to salvage a movie that was in incredibly dire straits just a few months ago.

Nobody's saying it's going to be a masterpiece, but it appears that its rougher edges have at least been smoothed out for a likely formulaic but enjoyable popcorn romp. All things considered, that's pretty good going.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.