13 Movies So Awful You Walked Out Of The Cinema

2. Fifty Shades Of Grey

Fifty Shades Of Grey Sex
Universal Pictures

The Fifty Shades Of Grey books are not good. They catered to a very captive audience and made something that everyone does in private suddenly acceptable to such a degree that it was almost cool to do it. Without actually DOING IT, obviously. But they still weren't good.

The cold truth of it is, those books sold so much that they were always going to be made into movies. And for the fans who genuinely liked EL James' brand of fetishised abuse, that meant a promise of real sexiness and an actual Mr Grey to fantasise about anew.

Sadly, the film - though lucrative - fundamentally misread what it was supposed to be. In trying to elevate the material (and failing), it cut down on the raunch, which was what everyone was there to really see. So we ended up with a sub-par soft-core porn about entirely unlikeable characters hurting each other. It wasn't even like walking out meant having to hide the awkwardness of arousal, either.

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