13 Movies Sure To P*ss Off Fanboys In 2015

13. Hitman: Agent 47

The Movie: A second effort to adapt the popular video game series into a lucrative movie franchise, with Rupert Friend playing the titular assassin and commercial director Aleksander Bach making his feature debut. Why The Fanboys Will Hate It: Where to begin? Agent 47's head isn't completely shaved in this movie like it is in the games, and while the source material promotes stealthy and silent kills, this looks like a generic, hyper-active action extravaganza. The subtlety of the games has been completely inverted, and from the absurd handcuff sequence in the trailer to CGI that looks markedly worse than the cut-scenes from the previous game, it seems like a total betrayal. Will It Succeed Anyway?: 2007's Hitman movie more-than quadrupled its $24 million budget at the box office, and while this one seems decidedly less faithful to the tone of the games and features a relatively unknown lead actor (especially compared to Timothy Olyphant), it'll still do OK at the box office, if probably get savaged by critics. Releasing at the end of August with no direct competition, audiences won't have much of a choice.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.