13 Movies That Contradict Their Own Message

3. Fifty Shades Of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey
Universal Pictures

The Intended Message: BDSM is a healthy component of a loving relationship.

The Real Message: BDSM gives misogynistic a**holes licence to abuse women.

The Fifty Shades of Grey movies clearly want to think that they present an image of sex-positivity and how healthy an interest in BDSM can be. This is completely contradicted, however, by the tumultuous, abusive central relationship between suave a**hole Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan) and his mousy girlfriend Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson).

He's frequently depicted as a jealous, controlling pr*ck who uses his "red room" - a playroom filled with BDSM toys - as an outlet for his unresolved childhood trauma involving his drug addict mother and statutory rape at the hands of a family friend (Kim Basinger).

BDSM here doesn't so much seem like a healthy component of a loving relationship as it does a means for Christian to get "revenge" on women for how they've wronged him in the past. Through all three movies, Ana's a clear victim of comprehensive emotional and physical abuse, and that the movies paint this as romantic is, well, stomach-churning.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.