13 Movies That Destroyed Solo: A Star Wars Story At The Box Office

1. Justice League

Justice League Superman Memorial
Warner Bros.

Box Office: $657.9 million

And finally, we come to perhaps the most note-worthy blockbuster comparison to Solo. Justice League was released late last year following the immensely negative reception to Batman v Superman the year prior, suffered through a director change mid-production, and was bombarded with countless reports of major production issues.

Solo was similarly released following the divisive The Last Jedi, swapped directors mid-shoot and fans had listened to months of damning reports of a sloppy production.

Justice League grossed "only" $657.9 million, a disappointing figure considering the abundance of re-shoots bloating the budget out to $300 million (again similar to Solo's budget ballooning to $275 million).

Still, Justice League easily doubled its hefty price tag, while Solo didn't get anywhere close to the $550 million it would need to also do so. Given the immense negativity surrounding Justice League's release and the fact that, well, it's an insanely mediocre movie, it's pretty damn sad that the effortlessly superior Solo grossed over than $250 million less than it. Jeez.

Which of these box office results surprised you the most? Shout it out in the comments!


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.