13 Outrageously Awful 2014 Performances That Deserve Razzies

11. Kiefer Sutherland As Senator Corvus - Pompeii

Depending on your perspective, Kiefer Sutherland is likely either the best or worst thing about Paul W.S. Anderson's cataclysmic blockbuster flop Pompeii, playing the evil Senator Corvus, because apparently having a giant volcano terrorising the titular city wasn't enough of a villain for the movie. Anyway, Sutherland gives a howlingly over-the-top performance with a wildly variant Olivier-style English accent, gesturing all over the place and clearly having a total blast, apparently without a single care in the world that Anderson is trying to craft a seriously affecting, Titanic-esque disaster love story. If you're prepared to follow Anderson's lead, Sutherland pretty much sinks the entire movie every second he's on screen, though admittedly, if you're watching the movie under the guise of a perverse "so bad it's good" guilty pleasure, then Sutherland's work is total gravy. The question will remain for audiences: does an intentionally terrible performance go all the way around and become good again? Or is it still bad, but just entertaining-bad rather than Razzie-bad?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.