13 Outrageously Awful 2015 Performances That Deserve Razzies

2. Eddie Redmayne - Jupiter Ascending

The Role: Balem Abrasax, Emperor of the House of Abrasax, who takes exception to Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis) being the rightful heir to Earth, which he already has a claim on. Why It's So Awful: So much has been made of Redmayne's risible performance that some critics even suspected it might derail his Oscar chances for last year's The Theory Of Everything (it didn't: he won). However, with Redmayne again in contention for his movie The Danish Girl, could his recent Razzie nomination and front-runner status for Jupiter Ascending actually poison the well? What makes it so awful? Redmayne is clearly trying to do something "different", delivering most of his lines in a gravely, low whisper to reflect the accelerated age of his character, before occasionally exploding into loud screeching when asked to express any emotion whatsoever. Some have defended the actor for being aware he was in a terrible film and simply having some fun with it, but on its own merits it's a tone-deaf performance and one that's as annoying and weird as it is perversely amusing.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.