13 Outrageously Awful 2015 Performances That Deserve Razzies

10. Vin Diesel - The Last Witch Hunter

The Role: Kaulder, an immortal witch hunter who commits himself to trying to take down the Witch Queen (Julie Engelbrecht) before she unleashes a plague upon all of humanity. Why It's So Awful: Diesel gives cardboard a bad name here with his utterly rancid performance, all the more peculiar because this was a passion project built by him from the ground-up, yet he couldn't seem more bored and disinterested. Standing him next to Michael Caine in several scenes only further emphasises the acting chasm, and throwing in a love interest with whom he has zero chemistry (Rose Leslie) doesn't exactly help either. Above all else, it serves as a reminder that Diesel is so much better off in ensemble movies like the Fast and Furious franchise and Guardians of the Galaxy, because most of his solo projects are, well, sh*t.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.