13 Overlooked Positives About 2015’s Worst Movies

Can the Fantastic Four just join The Avengers already? Please?

2015 has been a fine year for cinema, but naturally not one without its share of clunkers both expected and disappointingly not. As fun as it is to rag on these terrible films, at the same time, it's worth considering the unexpected positive effects they can have on audiences and the film industry as a whole. Whether it's signalling the end of a detested franchise or opening the possibility for an unexpected collaboration in the future, these 13 movies may have been pure torture to sit through, but there's light at the end of the tunnel: each has at least one positive you could easily forget as the film causes you to hemorrhage brain cells at a geometric rate. So, awful though these films are and not something you'd ever want to suffer through again, at least something positive came out of each, even though you might be loathe to admit it. Here are 13 overlooked positives about 2015's worst movies...

13. The Franchise Is Finally Dead - Taken 3

The Movie: Even with through-the-floor expectations, Taken 3 still managed to be even more terrible than we feared, forcing Liam Neeson to run far too much for any movie starring a 62-year-old, while director Oliver Megaton mangled the action sequences with atrociously hyperactive editing. It's the most perfunctory and lazy of sequels, one that not even the presence of a bagel-obsessed Forest Whitaker can save. The Overlooked Positive: On the plus side, this is almost certainly the last one. Yes, Neeson said the same thing about Taken 2, but considering that the third film grossed less than the previous one and Neeson is no spring chicken, Taken 4 would probably be the breaking point at which audience goodwill runs out. Plus, NBC are developing a prequel TV series, so that's how they can milk the brand further without Neeson and without clogging up our cinemas with anymore of this dreck.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.