4. Roland Emmerich Will Probably Stick To Blockbusters In Future - Stonewall
The Movie: This drama revolving around the events that kickstarted New York's 1970s gay rights movement is one of the most-panned dramas of 2015, widely ridiculed for downplaying the involvement of lesbians and the trans community in the Stonewall riots, while playing-up Jeremy Irvine's protagonist, who was invented out of thin air for the movie. Critics found it all the more curious that the film seemed so embarrassed of itself considering that it was directed by Roland Emmerich, who is himself openly gay. The Overlooked Positive: Perhaps the controversy surrounding the film's distortion of the facts will make it clear to Emmerich that, after this and his similarly-criticised 2011 drama Anonymous, he's best sticking to the destruction porn and big-budget cinematic mayhem he's executed so masterfully over the years. With a new Independence Day movie due for release this coming summer and at least one sequel likely to follow, Emmerich will be kept plenty busy for the next few years, and hopefully his experience in the dramatic field will teach him to stick to what he's good at.
Jack Pooley
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.
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