7. Javier Bardem's Hysterical Overacting - The Gunman
The Movie: An outrageously bad vanity project for Sean Penn, The Gunman sees the Oscar winner getting into undeniably incredible shape, but the clunky, heavy-handed script (which he co-wrote) and the lack of compelling action ensures this is anything but the Taken-esque franchise-primer he was surely hoping for. The Overlooked Positive: Javier Bardem steals every single scene he's in as one of Penn's character's former colleagues who, years later, is a booze-soaked douchebag in a relationship with the woman Penn loves. Cue Bardem throwing caution to the wind and, clearly aware he's not exactly working with the Coen Brothers here, hamming it up for the cheap seats. Particularly entertaining is Bardem when he's asked to play drunk: he goes wildly-over-the-top and it's truly impressive that Penn managed to act opposite him without constantly corpsing. Again, like the Robin Williams movie, pray for a YouTube montage and otherwise avoid the movie entirely.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.