13 Reasons Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Was The Stupidest 2014 Movie

13. The Shaky Cam Opening

The opening credits of the Turtles suggested it might not be all that bad: the animated sequence was smart and stylish (and completely not like Michael Bay) and it told parts of the origin story succinctly without needless retreading. But then, the film started, and everything went out of the window. In the interest of making April O'Neil look like a Johnny On The Spot gritty reporter in search of the big story, she's initially framed with a shaky cam over her shoulder as she literally chases the story. It's obviously intended to imply a live feed from her cameraman (Will Arnett's Vernon Fenwick) to shake up the cinematography and add authenticity, but there's a problem when the next shot is of Fenwick leaning against a car beckoning her to come over to where he's standing. So who the hell was filming her?

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