13 Scariest Movie Endings That Kept You Up All Night

11. The Borderlands

texas chainsaw

As previously stated, the bulk of the found footage horror movies which came in the wake of The Blair Witch Project (and in even greater abundance after the 2009 release of Paranormal Activity) were lacklustre affairs - but happily, this cannot be said of all of them.

One notable exception to the rule is this 2013 British horror from first-time director Elliot Goldner. The Borderlands centres on two low-level Vatican employees sent out to a remote village in Devon, to investigate reports of a miracle in the ancient church.

It all starts out relatively light-hearted; the investigators are largely sceptical, and initially have little reason to take all the miracle talk seriously. Of course, as you'd expect from a good horror movie, matters intensify as the running time rolls on, leading to a very grim conclusion.

In many respects it's similar to the final reels of The Blair Witch Project, as our protagonists follow the sound of a voice into a dark and unfamiliar place; in this case, a tunnel beneath the church.

However, unlike Blair Witch, The Borderlands leaves very little ambiguity about their fate, as the tunnel grows ever narrower - and somehow seals itself shut. The ground beneath the church seems to be alive, and the tunnel closes in around them. As if that wasn't bad enough, the walls begin to secrete something resembling stomach acid.

And so, our heroes are simultaneously burned with acid and crushed to death. Not a pleasant thought, especially for claustrophobic viewers.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.