13 Scariest Movie Endings That Kept You Up All Night

9. Carrie

texas chainsaw
United Artists

As we discussed earlier, the jump scare has been so heavily overused in recent years, it's easy for fans to be dismissive of its use. However, there's nothing inherently wrong with a jump scare so long as it's built up just the right way.

Brian De Palma's beloved 1976 adaptation of Stephen King's novel didn't only kick-start Hollywood's ongoing love affair with the best-selling horror author; it's also arguably responsible for inventing the jump scare as we now know it.

As the final reel draws to a close, Carrie's vengeful Prom Night massacre has reached its end, and the troubled telekinetic is dead. In the unforgettable scene, Amy Irving's Sue, the lone survivor, visits Carrie's grave to lay down flowers - at which point an arm suddenly bursts out of the ground and grabs her. Turns out it's the nightmare Sue has had every night since Prom.

It's an iconic horror moment which might be deemed a bit of a cliche now, but it still works beautifully - and it's inspired just about every big shock climax to have come since, including the next entry on our list...


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.