13 Small Changes That Would Make Terrible Movies Awesome

2. Jar Jar Binks Is No More - Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars The Phanton Menace Qui Gon Jinn Jar Jar Binks

The Phantom Menace is a touchy subject for a lot of Star Wars fans, given the immense hype that surrounded the prequel's release and its clear failure to live up to all the excitement.

Though the film has many problems, there's one major issue that holds it back from being truly enjoyable, and that's the presence of Jar Jar Binks, who George Lucas hurled into the mix to sell extra lunchboxes and action figures to kids.

Adults, meanwhile, generally loathed the character as an irritating, goofy and totally needless affectation who just dragged the film down whenever it was attempting to gain narrative momentum.

Jar Jar has around 18 minutes of screen time in the film, accounting for the majority of his presence in the entire prequel trilogy, and if he was excised from the movie entirely, it'd be so, so much more enjoyable.

Yes, the senate stuff would still be boring as Hell, but it'd be shorter and a lot less annoying to sit through. Fans could just soak in the thrill of a new Star Wars movie, pod races and all, rather than keep getting pulled out of the experience by this bleating doofus.

The sentiment is echoed so loudly by fans that a fan edit which removed a lot of Jar Jar's silliness, entitled The Phantom Edit, started doing the rounds in the early 2000s to considerable acclaim.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.