13 Small Changes That Would Make Terrible Movies Awesome

10. The Creeper Isn't Supernatural - Jeepers Creepers

Jeepers Creepers
United Artists

The first half of this 2001 hit horror flick is genuinely suspenseful and engaging...before it's completely ruined by the mid-film revelation that the murderer who has been pursing Trish (Gina Philips) and Darry (Justin Long) is in fact an ancient, winged creature known as The Creeper, who kills humans in order to feed.

The film was doing so well up to this point, but pretty much everything that follows undoes all that fine-tuned tension, causing the movie to end up a rather daft, schlocky B-movie that gets progressively more silly the longer it drags on.

It would've been so much more intriguing if the Creeper has just been a random psychopath who preyed on people passing through his neck of the woods, as the first half seemed to indicate. The moment the Creeper sprouts wings, it all goes irredeemably off the rails.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.