13 Supporting Movie Characters You Loved More Than The Hero

1. Ian Malcolm - Jurassic Park

Dr Ian Malcolm Jeff Goldblum

On paper, you should hate Ian Malcolm. He's a mathematician who exists to disprove why the exceptionally exciting dinosaur theme park is a bad idea and who hits on the main hero's sort-of-girlfriend within a couple of minutes meeting her. In truth, if he'd been eaten, we should have been cheering as loud as when the spineless lawyer ended up being T-Rex chow.

Next to Sam Neill's Dr Alan Grant - who is basically Indiana Jones with a neckerchief - he's a dweeb who seems to love himself way too much. But there's just something about Jeff Goldblum's intoxicating cool that makes him indispensable and a far cooler customer than Grant's more obvious hero.

That shot of him lying injured with his shirt open is easily one of the most iconic shots in modern blockbuster history and all it is is a maths nerd who's been chomped by a dinosaur unnecessarily showing his abs off. Without the character's cool, that's all he is, but with the magic Goldblum brings, it's an incredible moment.

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