13 Supporting Movie Characters You Loved More Than The Hero
9. Inigo Montoya & Fezzik - The Princess Bride
Everyone loves an anti-hero who turns on the villain and aligns with the heroes for the grand finale and few are quite as cool and quite as charming as The Princess Bride's Inigo Montoya and Fezzik.
Hero Westley (Cary Elwes) was great and very funny, but beyond his "as you wish" catchphrase, he's designed in such a way that he ticks off fairy tale tropes more than subverting them. Inigo and Fezzik meanwhile - prototypical stand-ins for Bronn and Hodor from Game Of Thrones - were more meta and more charitably written. Inigo also offers his own narrative weight thanks to the need for vengeance that defines him.
And crucially, their dynamic together was delightfully infectious - particularly when they're winding up Vizzini in the film's first half.