13 Supporting Movie Characters You Loved More Than The Hero

7. Han Solo - Star Wars

Han Solo Return Of The Jedi shrug

Han Solo is basically the poster boy for characters who are definitely dicks but who both know it and are completely forgiven for it by everyone because of how cool they are. He's a bit of a letch, a bit of a self-promotionalist and incredibly self-serving (admittedly he has good reason for it given his past), but his swagger is so infectious and his heart so fundamentally good under it all that he gets beyond all of that.

Imagine any other character uttering that "I know" line... It would come across horribly. Yet for Solo, it's a definitive moment.

In contrast, Luke Skywalker is too pure, too naive and too apple pie to compete with Solo's charm. He's the anti-Solo, and while his story arc is more complex and he does take in a lot more darkness, by the time that happens, he's been completely over-shadowed by brand Solo.

Who'd have thought, though, that the same thing would then happen to Solo himself in his own prequel movie...?


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