13 Terrible Looking 2018 Movies That Will Shockingly Make A Profit

11. Sherlock Gnomes

Sherlock Gnomes

Release Date: March 23

If you could make it through the trailer for Gnomeo and Juliet sequel Sherlock Gnomes without cringing your face into a fist, congratulations.

Even with an all-star cast including original stars James McAvoy and Emily Blunt, alongside new cast members Johnny Depp - as the porcelain detective himself - and Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sherlock Gnomes looks like a warmed-over follow-up to the 2011 surprise hit that's arriving at least a few years too late.

The painfully bad dialogue, low-effort toilet humour and unremarkable animation should combine to make this a charmless reprise few actually asked for.

Predicted Box Office: $130 million. The first movie made an impressive $194 million worldwide, but it's fair to say that the sequel is facing far tougher competition, opening the same day as Pacific Rim: Uprising and a week before Ready Player One.

At least it's not in immediate competition with them, so it should still be able to carve out a decent enough niche for itself to easy box office success. Plus, it's on the softer side budget-wise for a theatrical animation, costing an estimated $40-50 million, so it's all gravy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.