13 Things That Would Have Happened After 2016 Movies Ended

Chekov lives!

Star Trek Beyond Anton Yelchin Chekov

Plenty of 2016's biggest movies left audiences with much to consider once the end credits rolled: what did that ending mean for the characters and their futures? Did certain characters live or die? And what exactly will happen between several of these movies and their inevitable sequels?

Thankfully by reading between the lines and mixing in a little conjecture for good measure, it's easy enough to consider what probably happens next, whether they're going to be confirmed in due course, or in the case of standalone movies, will simply be speculated on by fans forever more.

From predicting an off-screen final showdown to tragically writing a departed actor out of a franchise and also setting up the next movie in numerous series, here are 13 things that would have happened after 2016 movies ended...

13. Ulysses Klaue Finds Out Where Bucky Is - Captain America: Civil War

Star Trek Beyond Anton Yelchin Chekov
Marvel Studios

Civil War of course concludes with Bucky (Sebastian Stan) ending up in Wakanda and agreeing to be put back into cryogenic sleep until a cure can be found for his brainwashing.

This is quite clearly a set-up for next year's Black Panther movie, and Stan himself has hinted that he will appear in the film, which makes sense considering his huge nine-movie contract.

It's also extremely likely that the villain will be arms dealer Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis), who of course appeared in Avengers: Age of Ultron and had his hand severed by Ultron (James Spader).

Would it surprise anyone if Black Panther's long-standing nemesis is now attempting to take custody of Bucky to use him for his own nefarious ends?

Following Civil War, it surely didn't take long for Klaue to hear about Bucky's new home, and don't be surprised if we actually see this play out in a post-credits scene for Guardians Vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming or Thor: Ragnarok.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.