13 Things That Would Have Happened After 2016 Movies Ended

10. Superman Gets His Black Suit...Somehow - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Star Trek Beyond Anton Yelchin Chekov
Warner Bros.

Superman (Henry Cavill) "dies" at the end of Batman v Superman and appears to begin his resurrection process as the credits roll.

Henry Cavill recently posted an image of a black Kryptonian suit to social media, suggesting to many that when Superman eventually re-appears in Justice League, he's going to wear that very outfit, likely pivotal in his regeneration and healing, as per the source material.

Whether we actually see the process on-screen or it's omitted in favour of a "wow" moment when Supes returns, the Man of Steel will possibly end up in the Fortress of Solitude's Regeneration Matrix, where he'll emerge with the altered suit...somehow.

Zack Snyder and co. could very easily skirt over the details of how the new suit is obtained, but unless Henry Cavill is trolling fans, this is a sure thing.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.