13 Things You Didn't Know About Friday The 13th Part III

11. Gloria Charles Overcame Her Fear Of Heights

Friday the 13th Part III Richard Brooker Jason Voorhees
Paramount Pictures

She may have only been in the film for a handful of short scenes, but Fox stands as a major fan favourite character amongst Friday the 13th fans.

Played by Gloria Charles, this badass biker butts heads with Shelly and Vera at a local store, tracks the kids down to Higgins Haven, and eventually has a pitchfork put through her throat by Jason. In between all of that, one sequence sees Fox swinging from the top of the Higgins Haven barn. For the actress behind Fox, this was the toughest scene of the entire film.

As Gloria Charles later noted, she had a fear of heights, meaning the prospect of shooting this scene was a terrifying one. However, Gloria used this moment as an opportunity to successfully overcome that fear.

Sadly, Gloria Charles passed away in 2017 at just 61 years of age.

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