13 Things You Learn Re-Watching Jurassic World

10. Claire Is One Of The Worst Film Characters Of The Decade

Jurassic World Poster Bryce Dallas Howard
Universal Pictures

Claire Dearing is a truly awful movie character in every possible way and she's the worst thing in the entire film.

Interestingly, she isn't a character you actively hate. She might be humorless, whiny and devoid of charisma, but the real thing you're likely to feel is pity. This is a truly cringe-worthy character and an appallingly undignified role for poor Bryce Dallas Howard, who's usually a good actress.

Claire has no agency, she constantly has to be rescued and the film does nothing but make fun of her all the way through. Her nephews shunning her in favor of Owen is frankly quite uncomfortable to watch and she's just another passive, under-developed female character in a Hollywood blockbuster. In regards to the romance, it's every bit as forced, unnecessary and random as you remember.

Especially in the #MeToo era, such a sexist character is simply not welcome, but luckily they fixed this problem for Fallen Kingdom. Believe it or not, Claire is actually pretty likable in the sequel and she actually has agency this time, so good on them for making such a terrible character bearable.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.