13 Things You Learn Rewatching The Dark Knight

3. Lucius' Privacy Concerns Seem More Relevant Than Ever

Morgan Freeman Lucius Fox
Warner Brothers

Back in 2008, the prospect of someone being able to "weaponise" your phone by using it as a sonar mapping device seemed a touch silly, but a decade later? Absolutely not.

Though Nolan doesn't exactly approach the theme of personal privacy with much nuance in the film, Lucius' concerns about the disturbing potential of Bruce's mobile phone surveillance tech certainly feel more relevant now than they ever did 10 years ago.

In a time where everyone's phone can listen to their daily life and potentially report information back to third parties, this aspect of the film no longer feels like a heightened fancy but instead a work of impressive prescience.

Amusingly, Nolan himself has admitted in recent interviews that he found the idea pretty far-fetched, and his brother and co-writer Jonathan had to convince him to include it. With the NSA's 2013 surveillance scandal and everything that's happened since, it helps The Dark Knight feel surprisingly current and contemporary.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.