13 Things You Learn Rewatching The Dark Knight

7. The Visual Effects Have Aged Incredibly Well

The Dark Knight Two Face
Warner Bros.

Few blockbuster filmmakers make as smart and shrewd use of visual effects as Christopher Nolan, with his famous preference for practical effects ensuring that CGI is used only where truly needed.

The miniatures used during the iconic SWAT chase look fantastic, but more surprisingly, the actual digital effects still look pretty damn great a whole decade later.

Especially praise-worthy is Two-Face's disfigured countenance, an extremely complex task for the VFX team and one that still looks appropriately horrifying today.

There's also a lot more green screen used in this movie than most viewers appreciate, but it's virtually impossible to spot because the lighting between composited elements is matched so damn perfectly (something many modern blockbusters still fail to get right).

In fact, the only especially bad visual effect in the entire film is the infamous Batpod flip after The Joker's lorry is flipped over. The physics and animation look a little too goofy for their own good, but everything else is basically excellent.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.