13 Things You Learn Rewatching The Dark Knight

6. Some Of The Dialogue Is Insanely Cringe-Worthy

The Dark Knight Cop
Warner Bros.

Nolan is a great ideas man, but dialogue has always been a bit iffier for him. For every "you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain", there's a clunky, cornball line of dialogue to match.

Most of the groan-worthy lines in The Dark Knight are given to cop characters, just as they were in Batman Begins, oddly enough. The most toe-curlingly bad zingers include, "Have a nice trip, cya next fall", "Things are worse than ever", and the litany of awful lines from that overly chatty SWAT team guy: "Is that a bazooka?", "I didn't sign up for this!", "OK that's not good!" and "We're like sitting ducks!"

That's to say nothing of Batman's risible opening one-liner, "I'm not wearing hockey pads!", Harvey Dent telling a failed assassin, "I suggest you buy American", and the overly expository climax, where Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) explains to his young son (Nathan Gamble) why Batman is on the run.

That all these lines made it into the final cut is, honestly, baffling, because they ever-so-slightly pull the audience out of the movie and create an unnecessary distraction.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.