13 Totally WTF Horror Movie Plot Twists

4. Marie Was The Killer All Along - High Tension

High Tension

For almost the entirety of its runtime, Alexandre Aja's High Tension is a visceral, blisteringly intense slasher film in which two friends, Marie (Cécile de France) and Alex (Maïwenn), find themselves fleeing from a serial killer.

The film is jam-packed with brutal violence and scene after scene of uneasy suspense, yet fumbles the ball at the final hurdle with its twist ending.

Here it's revealed that the killer is actually Marie herself, who is criminally insane and madly, murderously in love with Alex. Right.

Unfortunately the twist basically causes the movie to collapse in on itself when viewers consider the non-logic of everything they just watched, particularly some of the immense feats of strength the killer commits which Marie herself would surely be incapable of.

But even if you accept that what we're seeing is from Marie's own unreliable perspective, why do we also see "objective" scenes of the killer where neither Marie nor Alex are present?

It makes no damn sense at all, ending the film on a cheap cop-out that's nevertheless totally unforgettable in its misguided absurdity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.