13 Totally WTF Horror Movie Plot Twists

3. The Heroes Get Digested - The Borderlands

High Tension
Metrodome Distribution

A real cult fave now with 2013's hidden gem The Borderlands, which offers up one of the most imaginative and unexpected twist endings from any recent entry into the genre.

The found footage film follows a team of investigators who have been sent by the Vatican to investigate reports of paranormal activity in a rural Devon church.

For much of the movie, the men remain skeptical of any credible supernatural happenings, though by film's end, Brother Deacon (Gordon Kennedy) and tech expert Gray (Robin Hill) find out first hand what it's like to be in the belly of the beast.

After they discover a hidden area of the church which suggests evidence of child sacrifices in the name of a pagan deity, Deacon and Gray end up crawling down a narrow passageway.

When it becomes too tight, they attempt to turn back, only to find their entrance blocked.

At this moment, the tunnel starts to move and the men see their skin beginning to burn, implying that they've somehow entered the digestive tract of the pagan deity and are now being devoured alive.

Given the movie's evidently low budget, this was a brilliantly creative way to depict a heightened concept with practically no money.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.